Lead in the language of business.
The Second Certification Option – Special Education Specialist EC-12 certification can be added to any grade level with current HSU/TEA teaching certification and requires an additional nine hours of credits (EDUC 4341, 4342, and 4343).
Students may take the Special Education Specialist EC-12 TExES (186) exam after successfully being issued an initial standard certificate which is a result of successfully passing the content exam and EC-12 Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities (PPR) exam.
Candidates for our Teacher Preparation Programs must meet certain requirements outlined in our Admission Requirements document.
What is Special about our Special Education Certificate?
What is Special about our Special Education Certificate?
Real-World Connections
During the three Special Education courses, students participate in authentic learning experiences in special education settings in local school districts, non-profit agencies, and other professional organizations. HSU education majors interview administrators and teachers, observe special education students in various instructional situations, and critique learning environments that meet the needs of all types of learners. The HSU education majors are exposed to community and professional advocacy groups that provide resources, training, and academic support for parents who have children with disabilities.
Our Students Say
“I am enjoying learning of the intricacies of special education. The techniques I’m learning are applicable to anybody teaching in any field, and I feel better prepared as a future teacher to handle my classroom because of this program.” -Sarah Rebmann, 6-12 Physical Science Composite
Houston-Lantrip Center for Literacy & Learning
SU education majors have opportunities to observe and participate with Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analysts™ (BCaBAs), who work in homes and hospitals, clinics and classrooms and any other setting where reducing problem behavior and improving human performance is important.
Learn MoreOutcomes
The supplemental Special Education certificate allows the special education teacher to teach special education:
- in the content field and level for which the teacher holds a standard certificate
- in a self-contained special education classroom at the level and in the content area of standard certification, or
- in an inclusion classroom outside of the area of standard certification alongside a duly certified teacher in the content field.